Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Post # 2 - Dr. Laura Resigns!

In case anyone has missed it, Dr. Laura Schlessinger has decided to retire at the end of her current contract which expires in October. Her stated reason is that she wants to regain her first amendment rights. This stems from an incident from last week on her radio show wherein she used the “n-word” several times in speaking to a client. The gist of the conversation is that the woman caller was in a racially mixed marriage and objected to the bigotry exhibited by some of her husband’s friends. Dr. L told her not to be thin skinned and since she was in a racially mixed relationship that she should expect some of that kind of thing. Then Dr. L went on to inquire why it was acceptable for black people to use the “n-word” but not for other races to use it. Dr. L proceeded to say the word several times during the next few sentences. (A full transcript of the call can be obtained via a simple Google search.) I’m simplifying things for the purposes of this blog, but those are the salient points of the conversation. As you can imagine, reaction was mixed and violent.

I’m torn between two opinions on this one. My first response is to shout “GOOD!!!!” and “Don’t let the door slam your butt on the way out!” and “Let me help you clear your desk and carry the boxes.” (Remind me to tell you that story some day.) My second response is closer to hers. She should be allowed to say what she thinks without being nailed to the wall.

I used to listen to her radio talk show several years ago and while I didn’t agree with her politics or basic life philosophies, I did recognize that about 85% of the time she gave sensible advice to confused people. See, people have a choice in whether or not they call her, and whether or not they take her advice. She’s certain that the advice that she’s giving is correct, and has the credentials to back up what she’s saying, for the most part. So, in that respect, I have to sympathize with her.

Now it’s time for the other shoe to drop. She wants to regain her first amendment rights. Well, she never lost them. She has the right to say whatever she wants to, and she must also face the results of that right. Same as I have to, same as everyone has to. Also, it has long been argued in court that the freedom of speech does not give people the right to yell “Fire” in a crowded theatre. Incitement to riot is against the law. As an accredited doctor in a public forum, she has the responsibility to make certain to the best of her ability that what she is saying is true and not inflammatory. When she starts spouting her personal agenda and trying to apply it to the lives of other people, she should expect that some people are going to disagree and react.
In many ways, she’s an arrogant person. She honestly believes that she’s right about everything that she says and it leaves no room for discussion or for learning. That’s where I have the biggest problem with Dr. L and almost anyone else of that ilk. Arrogance won’t let you learn. And there’s no human being ever who knew everything there was to know.

Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You summed up my feelings on the Dr. Laura thing very succintly. I just could never put into words what I was thinking. Thanking you! (: